How To Store Produce Without Plastic
A year ago, I made the decision of reducing the amount of plastic I use around my home. Eliminating the use of plastic bags was my first attempt in reducing less waste in my life. Not only are plastic bags bad for the environment, but they also contain several harmful chemicals that like to stick around in our food. Ditch the plastic bags, plastic containers, and pick a more eco-friendly alternative.
1.) Storing Vegetables
- Avocado: Store at room temperature in a paper bag (refrigerate when ripe)
- Broccoli: Place the broccoli in an open container, or you can wrap it in a damped towel. Make sure to store it in the refrigerator.
- Cucumbers: Wrap the cucumbers in a damp towel and place inside the refrigerator.
- Carrots/ Herbs/ Spring Onions: Fill a glass with water and place vegetables/ herbs inside glass to help keep them fresh and afterward store in the fridge.
- Garlic/ Onions/ Potatoes: Store in a dark, dry, and cool place to avoid greening. (Avoid refrigerating.)
- Leafy Greens: Wash and wrap your leafy greens in a damped towel without wrapping to tight to allow it to breathe and help keep it fresh.
- Lemons and Limes: Store at room temperature and avoid storing in the fridge.
- Mushrooms: Store in a paper bag inside the fridge
- Radishes: Wash and place in a jar filled with water ( store in fridge )
- Tomatoes: Store at room temperature and avoid refrigerating.
2.) Storing Fruits.
- Apples/ Apricots/ Pears: Avoid storing in the fridge (except when ripe) and instead place over the counter in a cool place.
- Bananas/ Oranges: Leave over the counter and avoid refrigerating.
- Blueberries/ Cherries/ Raspberries/ Strawberries: Don't wash until you're ready to eat. Washing it too soon will only mold. Store in paper bags or a glass container.
3.) How to Store Cut Produce/Leftovers/ Etc.
A great way of storing cut produce is by using wax wraps. Whenever I don't finish half of an avocado or other veggies/fruit, I wrap it with wax paper to keep it fresh. Wax wraps are also a great way of storing bread and cheese. It's a better alternative than using plastic wraps.
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Glass Jars are also a great way of storing your seeds, nuts, rice, beans, and everything else you buy in bulk that can be left inside your kitchen pantry.
That's it, really easy ways of storing your food without plastic. You help reduce less waste and avoid contaminating your produce with toxic chemicals that plastic contain! It's a win-win.